Campus Building Facility Assessment - Georgia Gwinnett College

Georgia Gwinnett College has been one of the fastest growing four-year colleges in Georgia, recently surpassing the 10,000 student mark. Pond was requested by Georgia Gwinnett College to perform facility assessment services on 14 buildings that vary in age and use. The facility condition assessment had two goals; find out how well maintenance has been completed, and what should be the next capial projects to increase the longevity of the buildings. The facility condition assessment was completed using a program called BuilderTM. BuilderTM is a cloud-based software developed by the Department of Energy and used for facility condition assessments. It is very similar to VFA.auditor except with all the historical knowledge of DoD and DOE-owned facility life cycles. With the results developed by BuilderTM, Georgia Gwinnett College will be able to plan out capital projects over the next five years and identify areas where maintenance needs to improve.

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