Bell-Boles, Morton Road, and State Bridge Park Master Plans - City of John's Creek, GA

The City of Johns Creek hired the Pond Landscape Architecture Studio to develop master plans for three new parks to be developed in the city, Bell-Boles, Morton Road, and State Bridge Road. The parks range in size from just over 2 acres, to over 5 acres. Our team visited and analyzed each property before developing 3 unique concepts for each park. These site analysis and conceptual plans were presented in an open format public meeting where residents were encouraged to vote for their favorite concept and to provide detailed feedback on each park. Based on the results, we developed further, the preferred plan, as established by the community input, created cost estimates, and returned to the community to present the proposed Master Plans to be adopted by the city. Next steps include formal adoption by the city and development of construction documents, and construction of each park.

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