McEntire Joint National Guard Base - Eastover, SC

For more than 70 years, the 169th Fighter Wing located at McEntire Joint National Guard Base has supported the federal mission to maintain well-equiped units and ensure prompt mobilization in the event of war or national emergency. After decades of operation and expansion, the need for a new headquarters became apparent.

Pond’s demonstrated record of success in partnering with defense and federal agencies made the firm a natural choice to reconfigure the New Operations and Training facility.

Challenges of the current space included a restrictive design, outdated materials and ineffective space utilization. The base was also in need of additional office and training spaces to accommodate their staff.

The team of architects, engineers, and constructors were tasked with the responsibility of consolidating multiple departments into a cohesive, state-of-the-art headquarters building that was reflective of the National Guard’s image. This new building had to be aesthetically-pleasing without being ostentatious or costly.

With consideration to the National Guard’s vision, Pond created an exemplary, utilitarian facility that provides maximum spatial flexibility and functionality to sustain the base’s operations.

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