General Assembly Building Facility Conditions Assessment - Commonwealth of Virginia

Pond provided Architectural/Engineering services to perform an existing condition survey to define deficiencies in the existing Commonwealth of Virginia General Assembly Building in order to develop future renovation requirements.

The 344,000 gross square foot General Assembly Building was originally constructed as a private office building in 1905.  Upgrades to the Building occurred in 1923 and 1955.  In 1965 the West wing was built.  The building was purchased by the Commonwealth and renovated in 1977.  There have been no building infrastructure improvements since 1977.

In addition to the General Assembly, the building houses work staffs and several services to the Legislature such as The Virginia State Crime Commission, House Appropriations Committee, Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission, Legislative Automated System, The Division of Legislative Services and The Senate Finance Committee.  There also is a Cafeteria.

Pond assessed the existing condition of the building HVAC systems, Plumbing Systems, Electrical Systems, Fire Protection Systems, Telecommunications Systems, Roofing, Building Exterior, Asbestos Abatement Requirements, Uniform State Wide Building Code compliance, Handicapped accessibility, Interior Finishes and Interior and Exterior Security Improvements.  Pond developed renovation costs for needed improvements.

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