
14 Pond | V irtual Design and Construction (VDC) encompasses all the tools that Pond’s design and construction staff use to create project solutions in a digital environment. The advent of 3-dimensional modeling has improved the capabilities of our staff to resolve coordination issues that were not easily discoverable when reviewing 2-dimensional design and construction documents. Since 2008 Pond has been using Building Information Modeling (BIM) software to develop building models with extractable Facility/Site Data to support Facility Life Cycle Sustainment from early design to building disposal. At Pond, we use BIM and VDC technology to help us plan, design, coordinate, construct and manage our buildings and infrastructures in the most innovative, cost-effective and sustainable fashion. BIM is now part of our standard design workflow and quality control process, providing benefits of design authoring, interference management (clash detection), 3D coordination, quantity and cost estimates, progress reviews, pre- visualization animations and rapid ease of design changes. BIM is invaluable in terms of its ability to provide our customers with a visual understanding of what our work will look like and how it will function once constructed. USING OUR EXPERTISE FOR THE DoD Pond not only understands the requirements of working on projects for the military, but we have a deep understanding of the DoD BIM goals and objectives. Our team has ample technical competence and experience using BIM/ CAD Contract Language requirements on military projects, as evidenced by our list of DoD contracts. Our specialization in DoD work ensures we are extremely familiar with the requirements of the USACE CAD/B IM po l i c i es and procedures. Pond has implemented the DoD Quality Control Parameters into its routine QA/ QC Process and has reduced potential RFI’s and Construction Change Orders by executing the following in all our projects: Model Standards Checks, Facility Data Matrix Reviews, CAD S t anda rd Checks , Des i gn and Construction Reviews, Visual Checks, Interference Management Clash Detection Checks, and Over the Shoulder Progress Reviews. VIRTUAL DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION Harnessing the Power of 3-D Modeling to Save Time and Cost We use VDC technology to help us plan, design, coordinate, construct and manage our buildings and infrastructures in the most innovative, cost-effective and sustainable fashion.