
Pond Ingenuity Fall 2017 11 process of being transformed into a municipal complex to serve that region of the county, and Pond is working to assist Fulton County in this endeavor. “The flexibility of the internal layout of the building designed by Pond has allowed Fulton County to house more customer focused departments than initially p l anned f or wi t hou t any ma j or reconstruction to the building,” said David Clark, PE, Director of Public Works, Fulton County. By consolidating Tax Collector, Driver Services, Vehicle Maintenance and Water Resources, the county is saving operation costs and rent on multiple buildings. Also, the flexibility of the space for public meetings and functions provides opportunities for Fulton County to perform vital public outreach without inconveniencing residents with long drives to other parts of the county. “As we strive in Fulton County to provide quality customer service, convenience and accessibility to our customers, this new building has helped consolidate many of our services into one location which will also save the county money. Over time, we plan to continue to add additional services at this new Alpharetta location with the goal of reducing the necessity of area residents traveling downtown when they need to conduct business with Fulton County,” said Liz Hausmann, Fulton County Commissioner and Public Policy Coordinator for Greater North Fulton Chamber of Commerce. “The citizens of North Fulton are happy to have the ability to one-stop shop for their driver’s license, car tags and other county services at the new Customer Service Center,” said Brandon Beach, President & CEO, Greater North Fulton Chamber of Commerce. “I want to thank Pond for the innovative and customer friendly design.” Stephanie Hannum | Communications Manager Service! APPRECIATION WITH SERVICES BUILDING This new building has helped consolidate many services into one location which will save the county in maintenance and operation costs.