Hopewell Road at Birmingham Road Roundabout - Milton, GA

This roundabout was opened to traffic in the summer of 2017. The roundabout alleviated peak traffic congestion and improved safety on this major north-south arterial road. This three-legged roundabout featured a dual entry on the northbound approach leg and a southbound bypass lane. It provided a welcome replacement for a stop-controlled intersection. Pond provided professional engineering services in all phases of the project life, from concept to construction. On the way to arriving at the solution of the roundabout, Pond provided multiple design alternatives for consideration. Our staff developed construction documents that included a construction staging plan. The staging plan allowed the project to be built without major interruptions of the heavy traffic volumes.

The site had unique geometrical challenges; one of which being a northern approach leg having longitudinal steep grades which impaired appropriate sight distance. Additionally, this approach had transverse steep slopes that abuts the site of a future public community center which required coordination with design of the site. The center of the roundabout was positioned to avoid a major utility cluster located near the intersection of the existing roads.

The design provided the improved longitudinal grade to provide adequate sight distance. This design also enhanced the visibility of the proposed center of the roundabout. All of this was achieved while also minimizing the encroachment onto the future site of the community center. Special consideration was taken to provide roundabout geometry that would manage speeds, especially from the approach which has steeper grades.

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